Stanley Hiller is one of the early helicopter pioneers who built his first co-axial helicopter, the XH-44, in July 1944, when he was only 19 years old. It also featured the world's first successful all-metal rigid-rotor blades.
His early experiments also included developing helicopters that did away with the rear rotor, using the exhaust thrust to counteract the torque effect of the main rotor blades. The J-10 designed as a two-seater, however it was never finished and just a mock-up now hangs in the Hiller museum in California.
About the Model
I have been to the Hiller museum in California several times and each time noticed the J-10 hung from the ceiling. Over time it grew on me and so I decided to take photos as no other information such as a 3-view diagram were available.
The museum became interested in what I was doing so they let me take more detailed photographs from which I could produce a 3-view diagram.
I started to plan how I would build the model – for example with no tail rotor I would have to design an exhaust thrust system which would be a challenge. Work started in early 2006 but was put on hold due to work commitments. At the beginning of 2008 it was suggested that it would be useful to put the completed model on display at the Vertical Challenge event held at the museum each year in May.
Work on the model plug started in January with the finished model being completed by the end of April. Support was given by Peter Jakadofsky who developed the powerful Jakadofsky 5000 turbine to give around 20% more thrust. The model was flown at the museum event in May 2008 – see the photo below.
To check out whether there was enough thrust to steer the tail, I built a flying test bed. This also helped to work out how to change the vanes at the rear but without melting the control rods! As you can see the fuselage is enormous. The plug from which I made the mould took two people to carry it around the workshop.