Following my own attempts at making a RC helicopter, Schluter had entered the market with a Cobra, so I bought one of those and taught myself how to fly it. There then followed a succession of other helicopter kits including a Kavan Jet Ranger.
One day while flying someone came up to me and say “How much do you want for that”. I told him that it was not for sale to which he replied “Everything is for sale if the price is right”. So I quoted him a price. A few moments later while still flying he put a cheque into my back pocket.
When I got home I started to wonder what I would fly the following weekend. So with the money I was given for the model, I went and purchased another helicopter kit and built that within two weeks. Soon after, someone else bought that and so I had to get another kit – and so it went on.
Over the next few months I bought a range of models as I wanted to get as much experience in trying out different helicopters as I possibly could, but without dipping into the housekeeping money. Fortunately, the money I received in selling my models was sufficient to pay for all my expenses.