This website is dedicated to the memory Len Mount (1948 – 2023), an exceptional modeller and pioneer in building and flying scale radio control helicopters. He was one of the first to build and fly a model helicopter back in the early 1970’s when no one thought such a thing was possible. He was the first person to fly an RC helicopter inverted, the first to fly one across the English Channel, and the first to power one using a miniature gas turbine engine.
Len was a self-taught engineer and model-maker, who built accurate models that replicated the full size in as much detail as possible, including fully working doors, hatches, lights, seats and many other features. Len made everything - moulds, mechanics, helicopter blades - apart from the electronic systems and power plant, although with the latter he helped Peter Jakadovsky with the design of the gearbox of the first turbine models.
Not only was Len a first-class model builder, he was also an expert flyer. He achieved 21 national championship titles in RC helicopters including England, Ireland, Scotland, New Zealand and the USA. He was also involved in building and flying model helicopters for the film industry including the James Bond epics of "Golden Eye", "The World is not Enough" and George Orwell's 1984. In his latter years he was sponsored by Red Bull and had championships in the UK, US and Spain named after him.
This website features many photos and videos of his outstanding models and achievements.
Len will be sorely missed but we hope this website will provide inspiration to all generations on what can be achieved in this great hobby of RC helicopters.